Flappy Phone

Flappy Bird, you've met your match - Flappy Phone. Except they are serious, the new Samsung Galaxy S5 has a flap over the immensely hideous USB 3 micro B port. On one hand, this is a "face palm" moment. On the other hand, I applaud them for avoiding the 2 hours of listing gimmick software features that no one cared about like they did at the S4 unveiling. 

Also worth mentioning is the fact that the fingerprint scanner is "quite unreliable and virtually impossible to activate," but I'm sure no one will notice (*cough). 

Samsung S5 UI Leaks

Looks like Samsung is putting some effort into design cleanliness. Not something they're exactly known for. The question is whether they're giving the UI a genuinely fresh overhaul, or are we seeing a friendly face with the same Samsung clutter behind it?

It is worth mentioning that the "Samsung clutter" does enable a lot of niche uses for users, but it certainly doesn't lend itself to a clean user experience.


Knowing Samsung, this leak is accurate (probably even intentional). I would also bet that the same old pile of (many useless, some useful) features are present somewhere.